Posted by West Monroe MX Park on Sunday, February 20, 2011
Motocross is not a thing that we do to be popular, make money, or get the girls, but it's something that we do for the love of being on a dirt bike. Those who have never woke up at 6 in the morning to go get ready for practice just dont understand. The countless hours all of us put into this sport is not because we want to be famous, but because we love it. You will never have a bigger addrenaline rush that lining up at the gate with 39 other riders next to you, all wantin the same thing, to win. We all know the risks we're about to take when we ride, but that's what makes the sport so great. If there weren't any risks or skills involved, anyone could be a pro. It is not just catchin a football or hittin a ball with a bat, it is way beyond that. Every time we go down to the track it is like a family bond. Motocross is not just a sport, ITS A WAY OF LIFE. Live to ride, ride to live MOTOCROSS... It's a sport of complete insanity, there's no coaches, no rulebooks, no limits beyond your imagination. A fan sees a personality and watches that personality perform. A fan sees a rider practice and understands pain. BUT a fan will never have to fly through the air pondering which bones take the least amount of time to heal, a fan won't have to choose between a broken back or two broken legs. I've seen riders sit on their bikes, and pray for twenty minutes. I've seen kids with ADHD sit silently for hours just staring at a track. Fear? - a balancing act, between normality and idiocy, it paralizes the majority, but gives clarity to some.........MOTOCROSS IT'S IN OUR BLOOD!!!!!